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TIL measles gives your immune system ‘amnesia.’ Exposure to measles leaves the victim with a strong response to the measles virus, but an increased vulnerability to all other pathogens.


today i learnedNirgalFromMars

TIL the eye sockets of the Moai statues in Easter Island used to have eyes made of coral



TIL:During a SAS special operation against Nazi forces in Italy, using a force including Italians, a Scottish bagpiper volunteered to join the attack so that the Nazi’s would think it was solely a British operation and not attack the locals


today i learnedohdearitsrichardiii

TIL that Brazil was a monarchy until Crown Princess Isabel signed a law emancipating all slaves in Brazil in 1888. This was unpopular among the rich plantation owners and the imperial family was deposed in a military coup



TIL Louis Vuitton burn any excess stock at the end of each year to main exclusivity, theft and avoid discount prices


today i learnedI_am_1E27

TIL that monkeys in Japan learned to wash sweet potatoes in fresh water to clean them. They later switched to washing sweet potatoes in salt water. It is theorized that this is because they like the salty taste more than plain potatoes.



TIL Texas didn’t have safety regulations on natural gas until after a school blew up and killed hundreds of children. Nobody was held accountable, but they passed strict regulations afterwards. It was so bad that even Hitler sent a letter of condolence.


today i learnedDystopianAdvocate

TIL That in 1948 the Idaho Department of Fish and Game used surplus parachutes from WWII to drop threatened beavers into a nearby protected area. After some careful calibrations, 76 beavers made the skydive and all but one survived the drop.



TIL that beer bottles are brown as it blocks out the sun’s rays and helps preserve the taste. A shortage of brown glass after the Second World War meant higher quality beer makers chose green to distinguish themselves from the companies using clear glass.


today i learnedThe_Internet_Author

TIL there are 23 floating-year-round boat schools in Bangladesh due to constant flooding in the country. Starting in 2002, these schools ensure year-round education in a country where heavy monsoon rains can submerge 70% of the land mass under water.