30 Times People Share The Most Interesting Rich Kids Encounters



a friend of mine is paying her abusive, cheating, heinous boyfriends school fees from her parents bank account, she claims they do not notice.

it costs £40,000 per year.


Dad bought his college aged daughter a house in a VERY nice neighborhood so that she and her friends could live rent free while they attended university. He remodeled the entire house. In all he probably spent close to $2 million. Two weeks after moving in, they left a candle burning while they went to the store to get snacks for a football game. Came home and the house was on fire. A month later, it was good a new for them to move back in.


rich kidsRhapsodicRaven

Not exactly “rich kid syndrome,” but there was this family that had two children who attended the elementary school that was connected to my middle school. Every day the two parents would leave the house and drive separately to pick up their two kids before returning home.

I should mention at this point that they each drove a Lamborghini, one black and one orange, back-to-back in the pick up line to get their kids from elementary school.

At first I thought they were just being showy, but then I realized that they were two seaters, so this was really the only way to do it.



When I was at summer camp one year we were waking up one morning and rich kid goes “man these mattresses suck, I’m gunna have to call my chiropractor when I get home.” The looks he got made him realize that most 12 year olds don’t have a chiropractor on call.


rich kids-eDgAR-

In college there was this girl sort of in our friend group that came from a wealthy family. When discussing plans for the summer there were some people planning a trip together and she overheard someone say they wish they could go, but they couldn’t afford it. Her response was, “I don’t understand, why don’t you just have your parents pay for it?” She had always had her parents pay for everything and she genuinely thought it was the same for everyone.


Met this guy off of tinder hooked up a couple times and while hanging out one day it came out that he was rich. But not just normal rich, rich to the extent that his family had staff who’s only job it was to polish the silverware.

While I was reeling from that news he proceeded to preach to me that he knew that those staff members had such wonderful fulfilling lives, because they were helping to keep ‘the house’ afloat and running smoothly.

Did not see him again after that.


Girl I went to high school with got a Mercedes for her 16th birthday. Complained and moaned about the fact that she didn’t get a Lexus, because her name was Lexi and she thought it would be “sooooo cool!” for Lexi to drive a Lexus with a custom license plate saying “Lexi”.

Her parents did cave and buy her a Lexus for her 17th birthday.



Had a kid that lived across the hall from me my freshman year of college from Honduras. During one of the ice breakers after freshman move in he leaned to me to ask if I knew when the maids came to make his bed/clean. I guess his family was very well off in his home country and the entire semester was an eye opener for him in actually taking care of himself.


rich kidsclem82

Girl in college kept putting her clothes on the floor and then would knock on the RAs door and tell her the clothes were piling up. Our RA was a foreign exchange student but such a sweetheart and she was actually washing the clothes to be nice for like 2 months.

The floor told the RA to stop and scolded the girl to do her own laundry. She was absolutely insulted that she had to do laundry to the point where she ended up re-wearing clothes or throwing them out and just buying new ones



My friends mom owns a very big oil company and they make close to 3 mil a year and he says he’s middle class