People Share Their Old Photos Of Encounters With Celebrities

11. My Uncle Photo Bombing Jimmy Carter, 1980

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12. My Grandpa Worked As A Park Ranger In Yellowstone, Where He Took This Photo Of The Three Stooges When They Visited. 1969

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13. My Grandma Visited His Store And Asked If He Ever Goes There. He Came Out The Back And Spent The Next Hour Chatting With Her In 1992

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14. The Time I Was A Little Nervous To Meet Morgan Freeman

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15. Mid To Late 1970s, My Dad Graduating A Class Taught By Chuck Norris

16. My Dad Showing Mr. Rogers The Process Of Designing Toys On Mr. Rogers Neighborhood (1986)

17. My Uncle Coached Hollywood Actors In The 1990s. Casually Carrying Jeff Goldblum Around Here. Los Angeles, California

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18. I Met Burt Reynolds In 1979 In Jupiter Florida At The Burt Reynolds Dinner Theatre. My Aunt Was Performing A Musical There. I Even Got A Ride In The Bandit. Was A Great Memory From My Childhood. Rip

19. My Grandmother And ‘Big John’ Candy. She Was A Secretary For The Accounting Firm That Handled His Finances. August 1988

20. My Mom Interviewing Jagger And Brian Jones For Tiger Beat Magazine In The Late 1960’s