30 Adorable Photos Of Pets With Their Favorite Toys Share it with your friends! Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email Tumblr Reddit Flipboard Copy Link 11. Pickles Has Found A New Toy To Guard. Let’s Hope Nobody Tries To Take It From Him dangerkitten00 12. Trash Panda Loves His Plushy Trash Panda Toy GallowBoob 13. My Son Has Noticed How Old Our Dog Is Getting, So He Tries To Comfort Her With His Stuffed Toy Sloth. She Loves It. ammofortherank 14. My Cat Carries His Toy With Him All Over The House. I Just Went Out In The Kitchen And Saw This. Apparently He Thought It Was Hungry Too. neonlexicon 15. 4 Years Later, She Has Ripped Up Hundreds Of Toys, But She Refuses To Hurt Her Dino a7xxx 16. My Sister In Laws Dog With His Toy Cigar ProAztec 17. My Mum Washed All The Dog’s Toys. And Now He Won’t Come In The House Without Them Azura_BlackHeart 18. Twenty Year Old Mister With His Favourite Ghost Toy grandparadise 19. For 13 Years, He Has Tried To Catch A Squirrel To No Avail. I Just Bought Him A Plush One And The Poor Deprived Dog Has Been Carrying It Around With Him Everywhere All Day And Snuggling With It. Sorry It Took Me So Long Buddy visceralharmony 20. My Cat With His Catnip Toy Bottle Of “Furrball Whiskey” That He Got For His Birthday. I Think He Likes It Oddling_82 Share it with your friends! Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email Tumblr Reddit Flipboard Copy Link Page 2 of 3Previous 123Next