People Who’ve Quit Their Job On The Spot, What Did It For You?


Boss was throwing a fit because I didn’t want to instruct a temp worker to stand inside a robotics setup and interacting with a working robot capable of killing the man where he would have to stand. Business later was forced to close with a mega fine for doing just this. Appearantly other employee didn’t mind and it was caught.



My tasks were to take photos of people in the park and make souvenirs, and after visiting the park, take money for services and give out a magnet / mug with a photo to visitors. I worked for a few days and showed a good result, so I was disbanded in another park, which was closer to home. There I got a new supervisor, who on the first day began to re-instruct me. Based on the conversation, I realized that this girl is a complete b***h. She proudly told how she rudely reprimands employees for the minimum shortage (some consumables are simply difficult to take into account), delays and damage to the company’s property (even if the employee is not guilty of this). I still remember the final drop.
She: – There are two managers working at this point: me and my colleague. He’s too careless about our work! Recently, his employee accidentally broke the lens because he was pushed by a visitor, so the colleague defended his employee and did not even write him a fine of $ 700! This is wrong! I absolutely do not care about the reason why the equipment deteriorates! If it is broken, it is the employee’s responsibility to fix this problem!
Then she asked me to show her skills, to which I replied: “I don’t think it’s necessary. I’m leaving. I do not want to work under the guidance of such a callous and unemphatic person.”
I didn’t regret my decision a bit. I think I just saved my energy.



I was working as an assistant manager for a large Taco Bell franchise. We were required to work 60 hour weeks (5 twelve-hour shifts), on a shifting schedule. Each assistant had a roaring schedule (mine was opening Tue, mid shift Wed & Thurs, closing Fri & Sat). We had no general manager, so I was doing a lot of that work.

So, here I am with no real, healthy sleep schedule, newly married and never seeing my wife, working insane hours.

Well, the other assistant (there were only two when there should have been three) was young. Very young. Like, fresh out of high school young. So very immature with a lot to learn.

I came in on one of my closing shifts (we were open until 3am, so shift was 4p-4a). Store was a disaster. Again. Dirty as [hell]. S**t all over the lines and the floor. No food prepped or cooking. Again. As it was every day I came in behind this other guy.

I stood there for like three minutes. Just…in shock. Furious. About to snap.

Instead I carefully took my store key off my key ring, gave it one of our team leads, and asked him to go back to give it the other manager, and walked out.



I had an insubordination employee at a large coffee chain and complained to PR that I wanted to fire her. They wouldn’t let me. About a week later she was on the clock and sitting down having a drink with her friend. She’s been warned about this multiple times by me and the shift supervisors. I gave up that day on a [sh****] job. I put my keys in the register, clocked out and just went home. I had a new job a few days later. I couldn’t handle that corporate bulls**t. I found out that I couldn’t fire her because her father owned the building and was a lawyer. They would have lost a great corner location. Entitled little brat. They just shuffled in a new manager to take my place. He quit because of her too. Then she quit for no reason and they lost the lease anyway. Now an even [worse] big coffee chain is in that spot.



Working at a zoo food court kitchen. It was just carnival food basically, pretzels, chips, ice cream and Bahama Mamas for the moms taking their kids. The chef in charge of the kitchen…he had frustrated ambitions to be one of those Food Network TV Tyrant chefs and was not easy to work with. I got a concussion cleaning cabinets and had to staff a fundraising banquet and the chef made too much chicken picatta then went off ranting at me blaming me even though I had no involvement. My doctor told me to quit and I did.



I was made to take care of 20 toddlers under 3 with about half an hour of training at a daycare. I quit day 2.



Oh yes this is my time. So I worked for an 80 something-year-old prick who was a misogynist, unhealthy absolute brute who had the audacity to make multiple comments about my weight and even offer me a bottle of garcinia Cambodia- unsolicited, by the way. Anyway he made me fill up his water every single day that I worked there which was about six months. He did not know how to operate a computer at all, aside from the fact that he’s the owner of an entire marketing company. So I was hired as the junior graphic designer and the work was stupid easy. He had a knack for making particularly asinine comments to his clients once he stopped wanting to do business, or if he just straight up did not like them. One of the worst people I have ever met personally and did a lot of illegal [stuff] and bragged about it and had a gun in his office that he would use to threaten his son who worked in the office next-door. In spite of one of his clients, he told me to put our company’s logo on a flyer they commissioned. The assistant manager/other graphic designer working with me stressed that I explicitly do not put the logo on the flyer because it was for a sports commission and the boss had personal beef with them about this particular subject, and it would just cause drama or something like that- so I left it out. The flyer is sent to the sports people they approve it they use it in the next day I’m asked by my boss to print it out for him and put it in on his desk. So I did and the logo was not there obviously so he was like “why isnt the logo on there, I know I told you to put it there! You can go home.” and he looked at me in the eyes with his grumpy face, like he wanted me to know he had all the power and just wanted to make me feel so small. No way. This was the last straw. I eyed that water that was there on his desk that I had just filled up. I told him I quit angrily because I was just so frustrated at this point and took the opportunity to knock over the cup of water onto his very unorganized and messy desk full of old papers, candy, dog food etc. I never regret it and it gives me the biggest adrenaline rush even just talking about it and thinking about it because he really deserved it.



My Grandfather passed away which was sad but it meant that having a job became optional. My boss was a jerk and would send me on wild goose chases and yoyo my position. One day I was a stocker, the next I was a bag boy and then a cashier. Always dangling a better position and then snatching it away. I had worked as a cashier for several days and came in to find I had been moved back to bag boy. I handed him my apron and hat and left. Never looked back.



I was training at MoneyMart, a predatory payday loan company in Canada.

The company-wide intranet training course spent my second day focusing on how to up-sell people on products they could not possibly pay back. I always knew the company was sleezy, but this was a whole different level than what I expected.

I sat there for four hours, then told my “manager” that this was not the job for me, and never came back.



Got called into work on my day off. Drove a half hour to get there. Once there, I was told they didn’t need me that day, and I could go home.
