People Share Their Past Bitter Incidents That All Are Still Remembered



When I was in high school, I was occasionally allowed to drive my family’s third car. It had a slow leak in one of the tires, so we were all supposed to check the pressure and put air in it if we needed to.

I picked up a friend to go to a movie, and when we came out one tire was completely flat. It wasn’t the one with the leak, so I put the spare on and drove home.

I got absolute hell from my parents about it. How irresponsible I was to not check it, I’d have to pay for the repair, why didn’t I call roadside assistance, etc.

Took it to get fixed, repeat the whole lecture as we’re dropping it off, and the tech who did it called my mom and told her he’d found a nail in the tire and there was no way I could have seen it coming.

She refused to apologize and I still had to pay for it.



When I was 10, I (the goody two-shoes nerd) was sat in the back of the bus, next to the class trouble-maker, because we had assigned seats (thanks to him). He took apart someone’s science fair project that was being kept back there, and threw a piece out the window.

When someone tattled on him, he blamed it on me, and since the teacher couldn’t prove one way or another, they just punished both of us, despite 15 kids coming to my defense. F*** schools and their “fairness” in discipline. All I got was one study hall. Kids today are getting bullied relentlessly because they know that standing up for themselves means getting suspended.



The first day of 8th grade my best friend and friend group informed me that they would no longer be my friend. To this day, 20 years later, I still don’t understand how or why things ended up that way. I can only guess because I was the shy nerd of the group and they were trying to fit in with the cool crowd. Regardless, it was a miserable experience that left me with quite a few trust issues.



Came second in food tech competition. Made a lovely main course then Langues de chat biscuits with lemon posset for dessert.

I made this dessert because the judges prior to this day told us “don’t make a cake for dessert”

Guess what won first place? A fu***** cake.



In middle school, I had a test with some true/false questions. One said something about the Atlantic Ocean and the west coast (I am in the US). There was some other stuff as well that was true about the Atlantic, but since the Atlantic is the east coast, I marked it false. It was counted wrong and when I protested the teacher said something along the lines of “obviously I meant east coast.” It was only one point and made no difference to my grade in the end, but my 13-year-old usually quiet, teacher’s pet self was ready to f****** riot. I honestly wish she had.



I was at a house party in college and we had to take off our shoes. Some b**** walked home in my leather knee high boots and I’ve never gotten over it.

Edit: for clarity, she left her dirty ass shoes behind for me to go home with, so thanks I guess you shoe-thieving wrench.



I missed out on recognition at my schools big academic assembly for arguably the most important academic results one gets in their schooling career (in my state in Australia) because the teacher I had sent my results to didn’t pass on the news.

It’s been years and it still fills me with such exasperation.



It was the 3rd grade. I said a joke. Made the “popular” kid laugh really hard but only he heard it. Made me feel great. Then he repeated the joke louder and literally the entire class AND the teacher laughed. 3rd grade me was so mad.



When my old boss pulled out the 2020 calendar (in late 2019) and asked everyone what days off they need so we can plan ahead and around. Everyone was spitting off dates. I didn’t have any plans yet so I didn’t request anything until she specifically asked me if I needed/wanted any dates off.

I shrugged and asked for ONE day around my birthday because why not, and she started mocking me in front of everyone. “It’s just a 23rd birthday, why would you need that off? But ooookkkk ….” obviously rolling her eyes, then started treating me like an idiot the rest of the day.



A child in my child’s class at school told their teacher that their mom was taking them out of school for the day of their birthday and so they would be absent on that day. The teacher admonished the child and told them that if they weren’t present the following day that there would be hell to pay. The child was rightly upset and decided to go into school, they hadn’t taken down their homework properly and so did three different pages of work. It was the wrong work. The teacher locked the child in the classroom over lunch, on their birthday.