If You Have One Of These 16 Jobs, Beware: You Could Get These Bizarre Injuries

Woolsorter’s Disease

Inhaling the natural occurring bacteria (bacillus anthracis) on sheep’s wool can cause anthrax. This disease can lead to deadly and dangerous conditions.

Bizarre Injuries

Weaver’s Bottom

iting all day will cause a painful inflammation on your pelvic area. This condition is very common to all weaver.

Bizarre Injuries

Baker’s Knee

Even for bakers that are muscular, this condition is common. Bakers usually use their knees to make up for they weight they carry. The bakers leans it heavily in just one leg and this may lead do buckle the knee inward or more serious damage in the bone structure.

Bizarre Injuries

Gamekeeper’s Thumb

Gamekeepers usually kill rabbits by breaking its neck using their forefinger and thumb. This may lead to a significant ligament injury.

Bizarre Injuries

Student’s Elbow

By putting too much pressure or weight on the point if the elbow may lead to this kind of inflammation.

Bizarre Injuries