A Reddit user asked ‘What’s a non-covid reason that you like wearing a mask for?’ and here are 30 of the responses.
Here is more about covid.
It greatly decreases the amount of times that I’ve been told by men to, “SMILE”.
Protection from other illnesses too like during flu season. So many people go out and about even while sick without a mask (pre covid). I wish it could become a new normal to wear a mask if you’re feeling sick and have to go out, even after mask mandates end.
Its nice and warm in the winter
I can talk to myself without people seeing my mouth move.
Asthma. Breathing is easier if I don’t have to smell peoples crappy perfume.
No one thinks I’m a Trump supporter
I’m a fresh heart transplant patient and I’m required to wear one in public for the first year. Not strictly COVID, but literally any pissbaby infection that most anyone can shrug off could end me at this stage.
I have pollen allergies, mask helps a TON
It allows me to pull faces at people who annoy me at the grocery store without repercussions. Which actually makes the whole process more pleasant.
Am autistic, makes it much easier to be around people because you don’t have to worry about what your face is doing.