40 Of The ‘Useless, Unsuccessful, and/or Unpopular Signage’

21. Oh No

unpopular signageVivian Minus

22. Um… I Guess?

Caleb Hilston

23. Pfantastic Signage

unpopular signageAaron Schiff

24. Whatever Gets Them In Therapy I Guess?

Robin Caligiure

25. Is This The New Saying Now?? Mandela Effect?

unpopular signageTaylor Mcclelland

26. Do Not Teach Fish Man He Will Destroy Us All

Hunter Kinder

27. “We Gave It A Second Thought And Decided That You Guys Suck”

unpopular signageRachel Mower

28. Spotted At A Local Dollar Tree A Few Years Ago

Kerri Kay

29. No Thanks

unpopular signageKerri Saterfield

30. This Was In Front Of My Town Hall For A Couple Weeks Before Anyone Realized And It’s My Favorite Thing To Ever Happen Here

Ariel Sullivan