30 Of The Most Useful Life Hacks That All Work In A Good Way


life hacks_Pornosonic_

I throw some toilet paper before I go number two. Never been kissed by Poseidon since started doing that



Drinking a glass of water right as you wake up. Feels like my whole body gets hydrated, gives me energy, it amazing.

Also focusing on breathing. So I used to have a lot of chest pains, doctor wanted to send me to a cardiologist. I just stopped for a minute thought about the situation and began doing controlled breathing exercises. Haven’t had chest pains since. Having trouble falling asleep? Breath. Stressed? Breath. The human body is really amazing.


I cancelled my Audible sub and signed up for a library card and now listen to free audiobooks daily through the Libby app



life hacksAnalUkelele

Ask questions. Don’t criticize or patronize a person instantly.

Ask for clarification when something is not clear.

Provide options in your questions.

Sometimes an argument is not about winning. It’s telling about how you feel and if the other person respects you or not.



I keep a bowl of lemons out in my kitchen.

People really think I have my shit together.


I feed my cat on a dish instead of a bowl now, she’s eating much better, turns out she had sensitive whiskers.



Clean out your car when you stop to get gas. You can just grab a couple things out easily and there are always garbage cans there. It’s kept my car clean for the past year.



Fry left over pizza in a pan with a lid on it,crust down! The crust goes amazingly crisp, the toppings heat up and you don’t have soggy disappointment. It is arguably better than fresh pizza in my opinion.



Put your socks on first. They’re like lube for pants.



the quickest way to cool the inside of your car down is to open one door, then go to the opposite side and open and close it a few times. this forces the hot air out and draws the cooler air in. I have a black car with black interior, and a few weeks ago when the high was 94 and it had been sitting in the sun for 6-7 hours i tried this before getting in, and holy hell it worked better than i could have ever imagined. i had heard about this before but never tried it.
