People Who Have Worked With Celebrities, What Are They Really Like?

21. Michael Mcdonald


Server in a fairly classy place. Have met a few notable people.

Michael McDonald (actor) extremely down to earth and nice as can be, offered me tickets to his comedy act.

Don Cheadle was kind of a prick, he didn’t show much respect my way (why would he). Also very short and had halitosis. His wife was young and incredibly sweet as was the rest of his family.

The portion of the Boston Red Sox I took care of (coaches, players, and trainers) were extremely kind, laid back, and pretty funny. The coach gave my manager free tickets to the game since he’s a huge fan.

George Takei has a fabulous entourage and is a great guy.

22. Lilly Tomlin


I was a chauffeur for Lilly Tomlin a couple of times. She was on the phone 99% of the time she was in the car and was definitely all business. She was not stuck up at all and was nice when she got in/out of the car.

I got to spend the day at Jay Leno’s Garage during one of his video shoots. Very down to earth nice guy.

23. Britney Spears


My old guild leader was a music producer. At the time he hadn’t done anything big and assured us we didn’t know his work. After I pressed him a bit for info he told us he had just done a Britney Spears (post K-Fed) song and didn’t want to say anything because he didn’t want the guild to make fun of him. The album hadn’t been released yet but he was really hoping it would make the album. I could tell he was pretty excited about it.

He had only talked to Britney on the phone, which he said was amazing because she didn’t even really need to contact him. She thanked him for his work and was very appreciative. Not sure if his song ever made it on the album as I had stopped playing shortly after. I hope it did.

24. Barbara Streisand


I was accidentally cc’d in an email chain with Barbara Streisand. Her grammar seemed fine to me.

25. Jennifer Lopez


I worked at Sirius Radio, the most notable encounters I had.

Dee Snider : Hard worker, hustler

P. Diddy : Demanding a**hole prone to temper tantrums

Sam Jackson : Personable & funny

J-Lo : Always angry and in a hurry

Diamond Dallas Page : Funny guy, always on

Mick Foley : Friendly wise a**

Wes Craven : Nice to everyone, even interns

26. Nicki Minaj


A friend of mine worked at a hotel for awhile as a summer job. Nicki Minaj was touring at the time and she stayed at the hotel. The manager(s) had to brief the entire staff to treat her in different ways according to the colour of wig she was wearing. (I guess her wigs act as a mood ring or something). My friend didn’t end up interacting with her.

27. Zach Galifinakis


I did security detail for Zach Galifinakis and he is an anti social burnout that spends all day playing video games in his trailer while he smokes weed. Every day for a two weeks he just came out to eat and didn’t speak much to anyone.

28. Kevin Jonas


I haven’t worked with him and I guess he’s not that famous anymore, but Kevin Jonas used to come into a small shop where I worked part-time. He was always really nice and would always take pictures with fangirls and s**t. And he complimented my shoes once lol.

29. Lindsay Lohan


Worked in private clubs/nightlife in NYC for three years. Met quite a few celebrities, but the two takeaways I remember most easily;

Lindsay Lohan listens to the worst f**king music. Seriously, deplorable. She also won’t let anyone else DJ. But goddamn she danced for about 11 hours straight.

Stevie J from Love and Hip-Hop and his girlfriend/fiancee? are really cool. Actually very nice, very funny, and very in love. They genuinely find the fake fights and tension on their show humorous

30. Darius Rucker


i caddied for darius rucker a couple times. huge douchebag, was horribly rude to everyone. this is at a top 100 course in the world.