40 Photos That Show How Things Are Going Weird

Almost every day it is possible to see things that are going weird when we look at stuff cautiously. That’s sometimes because of laziness or bad working. Generally, these situations make us laughed. Here are 40 photos that show how are things going weird.

1. Not My Job To Add The Subtitles

not my job momentstil-f

2. The Sign’s Up, Boss!


3. Fixed The Broken Clock, Boss

not my job momentstheglasscat

4. Whoever Named These Streets


5. Workin For The Big Man

not my job momentsparkinsonslaw

6. Painted Wales’ Flag For Ya, Boss


7. Answered All The Questions, Boss!

not my job momentsyecapixtlan

8. Installed The Street Lights Boss


9. Amblivious

not my job momentsAnonymous

10. Finished Putting Up The Sign Boss
