An old home-style bar in Italy from 1960.

Art Nouveau organ from c. 1900 by the Hammond Organ Reed Factory in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA.

Blue Willow toaster circa 1927 – still works!

An old, metal, pocket-sized grocery list

Antique dentist cabinet from 1900.

The Hollowed Book Used As A Secret Poison Cabinet in 16th-Century.

Art Nouveau desk by Hector Guimard, 1909-1912.

Victorian Era Radiator with Bread warmer.

A “Reading Station” by Charles Hindley & Co., London, с. 1890
Victorian ingenuity: a mahogany “reading station” crafted by Charles Hindley & Co. circa 1890. It features a double wing-back seat with an arm divider, each seat equipped with an adjustable reading stand, various compartments, drawers, and bookshelves.