The tasselled wobbegong is a species of carpet shark in the family Orectolobidae that inhabits the shallow coral reefs off northern Australia, New Guinea, and the adjacent islands. They reach 1.8 m (5.9 ft) in length and this species has a broad and flattened body and head. The most distinctive trait is a fringe of branching dermal flaps around its head, which extends onto its chin that enable it to camouflage.
Carpet shark has extraordinarily camouflage ability

Reports say that they attack humans too even when unprovoked
They are generally found inside caves or under ledges with its tail curled up during the day. When the night comes, they become more active and look for hunting. Some reports say, they attack humans too, even when unprovoked. Australian biologist Gilbert Whitley even wrote in 1940 that it “attacks and generally kills the natives” of Papua New Guinea.