Here are 30 cute pets that are being caught when stealing food.
1. Our Rescue Cooper’s First Meal Was A Sandwich He Stole From The Table. Fast Forward 5 Years Later And Now He Has His Very Own Sandwich Shop

2. She Stole The Peanut Butter

3. This Adorable Fruit Thief

4. Elephant Named Bhatbhoot Rice Ghost Stealing Rice From The Military Mess In Binaguri, West Bengal, India

5. Cute Thief

6. Bread Thief

7. My Cat Got Into His Food Cupboard While I Was At Work, Stole All The Food Packets One By One, Then Hid Them In The Dryer

8. Cat Returns With Sausage Stolen From Unknown Neighbors BBQ

9. My Friends Dog Isabelle Who Stole All Our Hoagie Rolls

10. He Stole My Croissant And Thinks I Won’t Notice