Rarely Known & Interesting History Facts

11. Two Brave Armenian Women Pose With Their Rifles Before Going To Battle Against The Ottomans – 1895

12. Joe Medicine Crow

history facts

13. Letter From A Trapped Coal Miner Says Goodbye To His Wife, 1902

14. Three-Year-Old Peggy Kennedy, A Polio Patient, Smiles At Therapy Ducks In A Pail Of Water. 1956

history facts

15. A Reusable Shopping List From The 1920s

16. Oxford, U.k

history facts

17. 225-Million-Year-Old Petrified Opal Tree Trunk Located In Arizona

18. Chief Iron Tail

history facts

19. Job Hunting 1930’s

20. Two Guards From Delhi Durbar With James Ricalton, An American 🇺🇸 Photographer Who Visited India In 1903

history facts