20 Photos Of Adorable Border Collies With Beauty and a Pinch of Tenderness

Border collies are unique dogs. Besides being beautiful, they’re considered to be one of the most intelligent breeds of domestic dogs. Take a look at these cuties to make your day!

1. “My border collie puppy likes to jump up and sit on random things. This is my favorite so far.”

border colliesreubal 

2. “Surprised my girlfriend with a border collie. I think they’re both happy.”

border collieskevinlacaille

3. “The shelter I work at had a litter of 5 1-week-old border collie pups. My coworker chose this pup before his eyes even opened, and he ended up being the only one with a blue eye! This is Ollie!”


4. “I took a picture of our 6-month-old border collie.”

border colliedonatedknowledge

5. “We had a baby 3 weeks ago and our border collie hasn’t left his side since we brought him home.”

border collieHotMagentaDuckFace

6. “Meet Darwin, the only border collie to ever sleep through an entire vet appointment!”

border collieStanShunpike 

7. “This is how she tells me she’s ready to go outside”


8. “My 7-month-old border collie doesn’t have enough room for her tongue and a tennis ball.”

border collie


9. “I hope Tracer cuddling her brother Biggs Darklighter brings a smile to your face today.”

border colliethemockingnerd

10. “Meet Loki, the 3-month-old border collie puppy being fostered at my work.”

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