Merit Winner: Romania, Land of Fairy Tales
White frost over Pestera village. Image source: Eduard Gutescu
Merit Winner: Highlanders
Traditional haymaking in Poland. Many people continue to use the scythe and pitchfork to sort the hay. Image source: Bartlomej Jurecki
Merit Winner: White Rhinos
The night before this photo, we tried all day to get a good photo of the endangered white rhino. Skulking through the grass carefully, trying to stay 30 feet away to be safe, didn’t provide me the photo I was hoping for. In the morning, however, I woke up to all three rhinos grazing in front of me. Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, Uganda. Image source: Stefane Berube
Merit Winner: Kushti, Indian Wrestling
Kushti is the traditional form of Indian wrestling. Wearing only a well-adjusted loincloth, wrestlers enter a pit made of clay, often mixed with salt, lemon, and ghee. At the end of a workout, wrestlers rest against the walls of the arena, covering their heads and bodies with earth to soak up any perspiration and avoid catching cold. Image source: Alain Shroeder
Merit Winner: Sauna in the Sky
A sauna at 2,800 meters high in the heart of Dolomites. Monte Lagazuoi, Cortina, eastern Italian Alps. Image source: Stefano Zardini