10 Terrifying YouTube Videos That Will Keep You Awake At Night

10. Edward Muscare’s ‘Pretty Woman’

It may be hard to imagine this hit being made into some sort of terrifying song, but this panicky man does the trick in this creepy combination of a horrible voice and disturbing dance moves.  The video of the combination went viral, and police officers informed the public – after taking the man into custody – that the singer/dancer was a registered sex offender, and had violated his parole.  Perhaps that is part of the reason he is so terrifying in the video…

 9. Agamemnon Counterpart

A strange and disturbing combination of abstract images and clips of disastrous figures, understanding this short 90 second video is hard and difficult to do.  If you have questions and need to more, obviously the thing to do is Google the creator, right?  Unfortunately, Google is a failure in this particular example, showing nothing that will help in the search for answers.  Surely that’s not a sign that something is really going on in this video that can’t even be described online, can it?  I mean, there’s not really anything subliminal in the video…is there?

8. Dining Room Or There Is Nothing

The best word to describe this video is “haunting”.  This is because the name itself as an ominous ring to it that is only brought further by the looping creepiness that is in the video.  The creator is now famous one that is expanding his portfolio, but this most famous work to date in this short video that shows the terrifying woman who stares deep inside of you while you watch with panic.  It is meant to show that there is nothing after the end of life, and boy does this video do a good job at showing that.