Unexpectedly Large Animals

Goliath Beetle

Goliath Beetle is one of the biggest insects on the planet. It would be terrifying to see it in the jungle, coming towards you. This insect mostly consumes protein rich food, luckily it prefers to take its protein from fruits instead of any kind of flesh it comes across.

Goliath Beetle

Cane Toad

Cane Toad is a greedy damaging amphibian. It does not only eat living things but also eats the dead ones. The cane toad eats the cane beetle that’s where its name comes from. It was distributed to the world as a weapon against crop destroying insects, unfortunately it reproduces rapidly which is destructive for the local species.

Cane Toad

 King of the Snakes

Anaconda is not a poisonous snake but don’t get relieved, it can take in a person at once. Anaconda is an enormous snake, famous for its size. If you are not brave enough, just escape!


Dalmatian Pelican

The Dalmatian Pelican’s span of wings is nearly twelve feet and it weighs more than thirty pounds. It is the biggest flying bird on the planet. Its habitat is mainly Asia and Eastern Europe however lately there is a decrease in its number, the cause of the decrease is indeterminate.


Longest Man

Finally, people too can grow incredibly tall. The tallest man of all time is Robert Waldow from America. He was eight feet eleven inches and got in the Guinness Book of World Records. He lived between 1918 and 1940.

giant man