How to Make the Marcel Waves Hair That Were Popular During the 1920s

During the 1920s, Marcel Waves were the most popular hairstyle that women couldn’t wait to create. Hairstyles that included Marcel waves became incredibly popular 15 years after Francois Marcel invented the spring-clamp electric curling iron in 1918. His new invention made creating curls so much easier and safer than before.

The most popular style at the time was a short bob and curly or wavy hair! His style was iconic 100 years ago and seems to have the interest of women now! If you are interested in creating this hairstyle, it’s really quite easy once you get the hang of it and will give you that 1920s trendy look!

Scroll down and check out these incredible step-by-step instructions to create the Marcel waves that were iconic once upon a time!

Marcel Waves hair

Marcel Waves hair

Marcel Waves hair

Marcel Waves hair 1920s

Marcel Waves hair 1920s

Marcel Waves hair 1920s

(Images via Okinawa Soba)