35 Of The Funniest Coincidences EVER… It’s Hard To Believe These Weren’t Deliberate.

I wonder if they named him Kittler.

Funniest Coincidences

Somewhere out there, someone Instagramed this photo with commentary on class in America.

Funniest Coincidences

Just a couple of Fuechheads.

Funniest Coincidences

Double trouble.

Funniest Coincidences

You know you’ve reached stardom when you start seeing yourself plastered all over the city.

Funniest Coincidences

This is the best thing ever.

Funniest Coincidences

These cats are looking into an alternative universe.

Funniest Coincidences

It should be their next album cover.

Funniest Coincidences

Did he inspire the socks, or did the socks inspire him?

Funniest Coincidences

The standard issue Walmart shopper uniform.

Funniest Coincidences

Love is love.

Funniest Coincidences

He hopes it will be his breakout role.

Funniest Coincidences