35 Of The Funniest Coincidences EVER… It’s Hard To Believe These Weren’t Deliberate.

This is actually somewhat creepy.

Funniest Coincidences

This isn’t weird at all, nope not one bit.

Funniest Coincidences

Repeat offender.

Funniest Coincidences

The happiest mistake in the world.

Funniest Coincidences


Funniest Coincidences


Funniest Coincidences

A perfect ending.

Funniest Coincidences

E = MCat^2

Funniest Coincidences

She really is.

Funniest Coincidences

Someone’s going to have to answer for this blatant false advertising.

Funniest Coincidences

These two are just inseparable.

Funniest Coincidences

Let’s hope he doesn’t suffer the same fate.

Funniest Coincidences