What Advice Did Someone Give You That Changed Your Life?


changed lifeTheSpeakeasyTalkShow

ONLY worry about what you CAN control… which isn’t very much.



A manager at my boring office job questioned my motives for being there, leading me to pivot completely, go back to school, and pursue a career in an industry im passionate about.

After graduating college I worked retail and food service for about 5 years before landing a decent paying office gig. I was pretty miserable there, but I always assumed that was the best path to success cuz it worked for my dad. I was in my managers office doing a quarterly review or something and she asked me the classic “where do you see yourself in 5 years?” Since my dad started out as a programmer and worked his way up the corporate ladder, I’d always assumed that was the best way to success and happiness. So I told my manager “idk doing what you’re doing I guess.” “Why?” She asked. I responded “I mean…isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?” And then she dropped a line that literally changed the course of my life: “Is what you WANT to do, or is it what you’re EXPECTED to do?”

Y’all, I was floored. I was at a loss for words making that ‘surprised Pikachu’ face. You know the one. After my review I went back to my desk and spent the rest of the day thinking about her question. I decided in the following weeks that being an office drone WAS NOT what I wanted to do so finally, at 27, I decided to forge my own path instead of doing what my parents/society expected me to do. I went back to school for media production (didn’t finish cuz I ran out of money/COVID) and here I am 4 years later with my first production job working teleprompter at a local news station. It’s not where I want to end and it’s been a long hard few years to get here, but it’s the foot in the door job that I’ve been searching for.


Be curious not judgemental



changed lifeSharkitten

Work is not like school. You don’t hand-in an assignment and it’s done. Instead, you constantly chip away at things over time. In my first job I was upset that my work was never “perfrct”/done like it was at school. This advice helped me shift my mindset so that I wasn’t so hard on myself.


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should




Consider what saying “yes” will cost you – time, energy, money, etc.

If you really can’t part with what it would cost, then “no” is a statement of fact, and an act of self-respect.

Also, recognize that other people are allowed to be upset or have negative emotions, without it being your job to fix that – even if they say you’re the source or reason.

Obviously if you’ve hurt someone with your words or actions you should apologize – but if someone’s mad at you for not doing them a favor? Too bad. You’re probably not their only option and they’ll just have to learn to solve their own problems.

We’re each responsible for our own happiness. We can choose to add to the happiness of others, but it’s nobody’s job to ensure someone else’s happiness.

Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today,


Don’t worry about what other people are thinking about you, because everyone is only thinking about themselves.



changed lifePolymerPussies

“Act like you have been there before.”

It’s just another way of saying be confident in yourself, but just saying “be confident,” doesn’t really tell you how to be confident. Saying “act like you have been there before” is more like instructions.



“You can’t help people if you can’t even help yourself.”


changed lifeSecolo1603

You can’t change what happend. No matter it was your fault or someone else messed it up. Don’t be mad about it. Deal with the challenge.