People Share Interesting Things In ‘Today I Learned’ Online Group



TIL that cigarette filters were designed with color-changing chemicals to give the illusion that they filter out toxins. In reality, the filters have little to no health benefits.


today i learnedPlatographer

TIL there is a herd of wild zebras in central California that can be seen off of Route 1 near San Simeon.



TIL – Ben and Jerry’s has a physical graveyard that they retire old flavors to, and you can actually go visit it.


today i learnedCanadianW

TIL about a New Jersey history professor who was telling a story to his class about how a ranger saved his life in a canyon at night in Texas in 1940. The ranger had managed to track him down and coincidentally walked in to the classroom right as the professor was telling the story.



TIL some people suffer a “weekend migraine” or “let-down headache” on weekends (or other break from a 9-to-5 weekday job) due to a decrease in stress.


today i learnedxSparkyBoomManx

TIL of Tullimonstrum Gregarium, aka the Tully Monster. An animal so strange, that despite having thousands of fossils, we don’t know whether it was a vertebrate or an invertebrate. To add to the strangeness, fossils of this creature have only been found in one fossil site in the world.



TIL Harrison Ford was frozen in The Empire Strikes Back because, unlike Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill, Ford had only signed on for two films. After the success of Raiders of the Lost Ark, Lucas didn’t think Ford would return for the 3rd Star Wars film, but left him frozen just in case.



TIL that the vampires were not inspired by bats. Bloodsucking bats were only discovered in Latin America in the 16th century, while the earliests vampires stories were from 12th century Europe.


today i learnedelectricmaster23

TIL the longest surgery ever recorded was performed in 2001 by a team of 20 doctors; it took 103 hours (more than four days) to complete.



TIL that due to the fact that they spend the majority of their lives on sea ice, polar bears are classified as marine mammals, like dolphins, seals, and whales.