Stunning Table Layers Wood and Glass to Form Dramatic Ocean Depths

Duffy London is a furniture design establishment in London; it has created another remarkable piece of furniture that offers buyers a mesmerizing geological cross-section of the sea. It is called the Abyss table. It is a coffee table that is made up of layers of glass and wood, and it gives the appearance like a cross-section of the depths of the ocean. The table looks like a 3-dimensional slice of the ocean including the sea and the bottom of the ocean. The price is roughly Five thousand Eight Hundred pounds and offers both artistic and functional value.

Table Layers Ocean Depths

Christopher Duffy explained that the concept was conceived when he was looking at glass sheets at his supplier’s factory and he observed how the material got darker when a new layer of glass sheet was added and it occurred to him that it was the same way the sea got darker as it got deeper.

He decided to use this effect to replicate the sea bed. He achieved this because the tables look like some mysterious entity had excised cuboids from the earth’s crust to use as a table.

Known for their creativity and unique furniture the Duffy London company has managed to combine functionality with artistry. Duffy London’s website

Table Layers Ocean Depths

Table Layers Ocean Depths

Table Layers Ocean Depths

Table Layers Ocean Depths

Table Layers Ocean Depths

Table Layers Ocean Depths