10+ Funny Pics Of Absurd Stair Designs

It seems that some stair designers completely failed. Here are some of the most absurd cases of stair designs that may result in some serious injuries.

1. The Perfect Building To Have Stairs In Front Of

funny stair designROPISUS

2. Not A Paradox, Just A Normal Russian Architecture

funny stair design

3. Steps That You Can’t See

funny stair designPaarnahkrin

4. They Built This School Like One Month Ago

funny stair designWifideRouter

5. No Broken Legs I Know Of


6. Access For Wheelchairs On These Stairs

funny stair designCptnTryhard

7. These Are Stairs In My Town. Just How?

funny stair designkprincess

8. These Stairs In My In-Laws’ Summerhouse. We Have Parties Here So Going Down These Stairs Drunk Is A Challenge

funny stair design fails


9. I Think My Stairs Fit Here


10. Got An Unsatisfying Feeling When Walking Downstairs And The Last Step Was Not There


11. That’s How I Broke My Leg


12. Imagine Being Drunk
