New York Public Library Unveils Stunning ‘Rose Reading Room’ After Two-Year Renovation


Readers in the well-populated general New York City are will be ecstatic over the opening of the gorgeous, grandiose Rose Reading Room, a renovation that has been going for quite a while, a two year long operation, in fact, that has kept readers anxiously waiting to see just what the finished product would show.  It’s safe to say, after one glance at these photos, that the wait was very much worth it.

With gorgeous paintings on the ceiling and beautiful architecture that all works together perfectly, it’s certainly clear to see that the designers had the right things in mind when designing a room that would be considered “Rose” worthy.

It goes back to the old fashioned forgotten about construction that is certainly fit for this old fashioned and gorgeous library that is majestic enough on its own.  Take a look at the rows and rows of shelves and see just why it is the sight that it is.  When it opens on October 5th, it’s sure to be a sight to be seen by anyone who is interested in reading even just a little bit.  It is sure to be a popular spot for anyone who is looking for a quiet and safe space that is perfect for igniting the imagination and helping you get some reading done.  The question is, what book are you going to read when you go there for the first time?











New York Public Library: Website | Facebook | Instagram via [this isn’t happiness, archdaily]

All images via Max Touhey Photography