Palaces of Self-Discovery: Amazing Libraries Across Europe by Thibaud Poirier

Palaces of Self-Discovery” is a photo series of libraries across Europe by French photographer Thibaud Poirier. The series was recently shared on Behance

1. Bibliothèque Nationale de France Salle Labrouste, Paris, 1868

europe libraries by thibaud poirier

2. Trinity College Library, Dublin, 1732

europe libraries by thibaud poirier

3. Biblioteca Joanina, Coimbra, 1728

europe libraries by thibaud poirier

4. Stadtbibliothek, Stuttgart, 2011

europe libraries by thibaud poirier

5. Grimm Zentrum Library, Berlin, 2009

europe libraries by thibaud poirier

6. Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, Paris, 1850

europe libraries by thibaud poirier

7. Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome, 1701

europe libraries by thibaud poirier

8. Bibliothèque de l’Hotel de Ville de Paris, Paris, 1890

europe libraries by thibaud poirier

9. Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne Salle Jacqueline de Romilly, Paris, 1897

europe libraries by thibaud poirier