In recent decades, the popularity of brick façade has been increasing steadily. This is not a local increase either. There are houses cloaked in bricks from different countries and continents showing that this style has become popular for many people.

One of the places where brick façades and buildings are becoming more and more visible is Iran. While brick was very common in traditional Iranian architecture, its popularity declined in the following ages. However, especially, the cities of Qom and Tehran have seen a rise in brick façades. One of the reasons for the popularity of brick façade is the fact that it provides privacy and blocks the sunlight very efficiently.

Brick façade is also getting popular in Brazil. The building below is the office of Guilherme Torres, a famous architect, in the city of Sao Paulo. The exterior of the building is made of 25,000 bricks and reflects the architect’s multidisciplinary mindset: to make Sao Paulo better and more beautiful.

Furthermore, the rising popularity of brick façade is visible in North America as well. These are the Grand Mulberry Apartments in Brooklyn, New York. Specifically, these apartments are in Little Italy; so, the architect wanted to make a building that resonates with the Italian heritage of the locals. Taking inspiration from the Italianate style, the building has a traditional pattern with modern hand-molded bricks.

Hitra Office Building in Tehran is another proof of the popularity of brick façade. Many young Iranian architects mix the country’s heritage with their modern ideas in harmony.

In the district of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, the people have earned their livelihood through a special brick called Taiwan-Renga. Therefore, brick has been an important component in the lives of the people. This private residence in the district makes use of traditional bricks in many ways. Firstly, the bricks provide privacy and negate the need for windows while still giving light. Moreover, the façade is quite literally like a skin, breathing through its pores.

Movable brick façade in Tehran.