The 25 Things Psychology Tells You about Yourself

There are more people that are easily influenced than others – it is also called as the “third person effect”. Advertising’s effect is being acknowledged than peer influences.

Psychology yourself

People see and perceive things differently – it is explained in no matter what will be the letters in a word are, human minds read word as a whole than in very letter.

Psychology yourself

Brain is busy most especially when you sleep – the brain makes new association and even consolidates information when you are asleep.

Psychology yourself

Groups are not good in making decisions – well, a person decides based on his hyperemotionalism.

Psychology yourself

Groups are also easily influenced – they are easily swayed by a person who has dominant personality over them.

Psychology yourself

Anticipation wins over experience – it is more exciting to anticipate for an event than event itself.

Psychology yourself

It takes about 66 days for you to have habit – if you are able to change your attitude and reached day 67, then you have formed a habit.

Psychology yourself

There is lesser desire for someone to compete when there are more people – people are more motivated in competing with less people.

Psychology yourself

The brain physically changes because of repetition.

Psychology yourself

It takes for about ten minutes to sustain a person’s attention.

Psychology yourself