20 People Who Still Use Old Appliances That Bought a Long Time Ago

11. “My coffee maker is so old that it was made in West Germany.”

antique appliancesMadmited

12. “Grandpa still uses a decades-old computer that runs DOS. And he prints and stores things on floppies.”


13. “The house my grandmother recently moved into had this old phone still installed and it still works.”


14. “Found this old dictionary my dad used to use, and it still operates!”

old appliancesShopnil4

15. “This washing machine is 40+ years old and still working. It was produced by the Ford company.”

old appliancesastroturtle

16. “My great-grandparents’ 1923 phonograph still works, though it hadn’t been tried since WWII.”

old appliancesMovingWayOverseas

17. “My early Sony Trinitron Portable Colour TV, from approx. 1969/1970, is still working absolutely fine today.”

old appliancesmacnerd93

18. “My grandpa’s Atari computer: It even has an original game cartridge and still works perfectly.”

old appliances


19. “My mom still has a working mixer from the ‘80s that lists the speed to use for specific foods.”


20. “My cousin still uses a double oven from the 1970s.”
