Koala Bear
You know Koalas in Australia, don’t you? This tree creature is cute like a ‘teddy bear’ but it is never a family of bears. To tell you frankly, koala bears are more associated to the kangaroos.

Sea Lions
Probably, the only resembling feature of a sea lion to lions is its thick manes. However, it is never related to any of the wild cats. With its marine habitat, its gentle eyes, and swimming ability, it’s funny how one is named this way.

Have you heard of a male bug? Never, right? But please do not be misled. There are also males in these insects. If their males can only react, they will probably fight for gender equality. And just to make it clear, once and for all, they are beetles not bugs!

Mountain Goats
If you happened to see one of them on the rocky terrains, do not be confused it for a goat. It sounds the way goats do and it even looks like one but it does not belong to the family of goats. The truth of the matter is that they are greatly attributed to the Antelopes.

That’s normal. Everyone was puzzled the first time they learned that sea creature is called cuttlefish. They are not fish but rather cephalopods. Its ‘cuttle’ in its name is probably derived from its cuttlebone. They are only ten of them. There can be plenty of them in the animal kingdom, and more may still be coming. So, don’t be surprised if a new breed cat will be named ‘White Dragon’. It’s just a wild thinking but who knows?