Tibetan Mastiffs: Independent, Reserved, Intelligent
Tibetan Mastiffs are a large Tibetan dog breed belonging to the mastiff family. Originating with the nomadic cultures of Tibet, China, Mongolia, India, and Nepal, they are used by local tribes of Tibetans to protect sheep from wolves, leopards, bears, large mustelids, and tigers.
Tibetan Mastiffs: Size
These gentle giants are, males who can grow up to 26 inches while females grow at least 24 inches. People are posting cute and funny pics of their Tibetan Mastiffs to show you just how big they are. It’s amazing how massive also how sweet they are. Besides, these dogs are calm and mellow around the house and they’re natural guard dogs.
1. Stop Norbu, Stop Being So Cute. My Heart Can’t Take It
2. Family
3. My Favourite Tiny Human And Fur Baby
Tibetan Mastiffs: Exercise
Tibetan Mastiffs need daily moderate exercise, but it does not need to be in the form of organized activity. TMs prefer to focus on work-related tasks, such as patrolling their territory, rather than structured play, such as chasing a flying disc or playing fetch. They are more active in cooler weather. Also, Tibetan Mastiffs tend to conserve energy until needed, exhibiting only short bursts of activity, and lack endurance. They make good throw-rugs in winter, and air-conditioner vent covers in summer!