40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World

Map of Contiguous United States Overlaid on the Moon

Mapsboredboarder8 on Reddit

Frequency of Lightning Strikes Throughout the World

MapsCitynoise on Wikimedia Commons

Overall Water Risk Around the World

MapsWorld Resources Institute

The Most Dangerous Areas in the World To Ship Due to Pirates

MapsControl Risks

Area Codes in Which Ludacris Claims to Have H*es (song reference)

Mapsasonjones on Reddit

Where 2% of Australia’s Population Lives

Mapse8odie on Reddit

The Longest Straight Line You Can Sail on Earth (Pakistan to Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia – 20000 miles)

Mapskepleronlyknows on Reddit

Map of Europe Showing Literal Chinese Translations for Country Names



Reversed Map with Southern Hemisphere at Top of Map (because position of North is arbitrary)


World Map Tattoo with Countries Visited Coloured

MapsOutrageousAnimals on Reddit