Most Interesting Historical Maps

Here are some of the most impressive and interesting historical maps

Babylonian map of the world: the oldest map of the world.

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Piri Reis Map, The oldest surviving detailed map showing America was drawn by Turkish admiral Piri Reis in 1513. He used one of Christopher Columbus’s maps, now lost, for reference. Piri Reis’s map shows Brazil’s coastline to the left, and the coast of Spain and North Africa to the right.

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One of the oldest surviving Ptolemy maps from Byzantine, 1420

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450 years old map

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Oldest map of the New World, C-1504 AD engraved on a 500-year-old ostrich egg.

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World Map according to China in 1799.

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Map of the world from the Ottoman Empire (1803)

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An 1853 Japanese world map presented on a cylindrical projection

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A rare example of Leo Belgicus by Jodocus Hondius in 1611

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Map of Europe made by the Ottoman cartographer Piri Reis, late 16th century

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Map of Europe as a queen, printed by Sebastian Münster in Basel in 1570.

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An amusing map of Europe in the “time” of Sherlock Holmes (probably around 1905)

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Old map of Tabriz, modern day Iran. Approx. 16th century.

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Leonardo Da Vinci made a satellite view of map of an Italian city in 1502 by using rulers and protractors to measure the angle if roads!

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How West Berlin appeared on a 1988 East German map

West Berlin