30 Life-Saving Tips That Could Be Very Useful



Chemical burns are not like fire or heat burns.

Many will not immediately trigger a reflex action of pain.

I lost a chunk of skin under my armpit because an industrial cleaner dripped under my rain suit. I had rinsed off my arm and didn’t receive so much redness, but 30 minutes later I noticed my shirt was soaked in blood. No pain till the next day and by then a quarter size piece of skin had fallen off.

Read the labels and remove any chemical as quickly as possible using the recommended method. Water is not always the best way.


life-saving tipsIridiumCow

911 is not the emergency number in most countries. Find out what the emergency number is in whichever country you’re planning to visit.



If your car is skidding on an icy or wet road, steer in the direction of the skid rather than against it. You have a better chance of regaining control of the car and you avoid the risk of flipping your car over.

Most importantly do not slam the brakes.


life-saving tipsJoe1972

If an armed person tries to rob you, give them your money, phone, whatever. In fact, take it out slowly and carefully, drop it, and back away. Then, if you can run. If they try to force you to go with them, put up a massive fight and yell fire fire fire.

People will generally run to help fight a fire. They are not so keen to intervene when you are shouting murder.

NEVER go to the secondary location with a robber. That is where you get murdered or raped, or both.



If you’re ever in a situation where your partner chokes you, get out of there as soon as you safely can. This is the number one indicator that they will in fact kill you.


life-saving tipslazarus870

Former 911 operator here. DON’T FEEL BAD ABOUT CALLING 911! Unless it’s very stupid like McDonald’s screwed up your order. If it’s not an emergency, they’ll tell you to call non-emerg. An emergency is not just a violent crime, it’s a crime or potential crime in progress, an issue affecting safety (or medical emergency or fire department issue too)

Also, teach your non-English speaking family the word for their language in English in case they need to call 911.



Purple flags at the beach mean dangerous sea life in the area. Most people understand the other flags, but purple can be confusing.


life-saving tipsOznog99

“flammable” and “inflammable” mean the same thing!!!!

Flammable things burn very easily, like a candle wick. Inflammable things need not be easy to ignite, like magnesium, but once ignited, will burn rapidly.



Most drunk driving deaths occur on Saturday night between 1 and 3 am. Avoid the roads during these times if you can help it.


life-saving tipsbuyongmafanle

You can give yourself the Heimlich Maneuver.