Being 104 years old is impressive enough on its own, but to be a budding artists in the process, wellt hats just amazing. Grace Brett is a keen crochet practitioner, and this would become the focus for a local street art project. Souter Stormers are a self-proclaimed group of ’yarn bombers’, which non-surprisingly involves yarn bombing many landmarks and locations with colourful crocheted works of art. They have already yarn boomed 46 locations throughout the Borders region of Scotland. “I thought it was a really good idea to decorate the town and enjoyed having my crochet included,” Brett told the Press And Journal. “I liked seeing my work showing with everyone else and thought the town looked lovely.” Brett’s daughter Daphne, 74, explained, “she has always knitted and crocheted all through her life. She has always done all the knitting for the babies and made shawls.” More info: | SWNS (h/t: mentalfloss, pressandjournal)