20 Designs That Deserve A Nobel Prize

Here are 20 designs that all deserve to be awarded Nobel Prize.

1. New downward-tilting toilets are designed to become unbearable to sit on after 5 minutes to improve employee productivity.

design© Dave Vescio/twitter

2. “Pedestrian crossing light depicting 2 lovers, Taiwan”

© iceinfernoeclair1008/reddit

3. “Neighbors turned a lawn chair into a porta-potty.”

design© OMGLMAOW**_com/reddit

4. “Neighbors turned a lawn chair into a porta-potty.”

© h*rsw*d*m*/reddit

5. “This little pin and hole in a urinal at the Amsterdam Airport”

design© rastroboy/reddit

6. “This clever open/closed sign.”

© stefstitch/reddit

7. “These parking meters have creative shadows.”

design© SilentJac/reddit

8. A good design for a portable charger

© nicolemclaughlin/instagram

9. “Doritos-flavored Lay’s”

design© Xarkus/reddit

10. “This flexible bollard won‘t ruin your day if you back into it with your car.”

© Lord_Stahlregen/reddit