Designers’ Crazy Ideas Spoiled People’s Mood

11. Why the heck would they make such a skinny door?!


12. — “My bathroom window.”
— “Do you live in a microwave?”


13. “There is a shower in my cabin’s bedroom.”

crazy designsNotThe_Father

14. “The apartment that I am renting has a gap in the wall that leads to the bedroom.”

crazy designsfelixd_h

15. “All these grand window curtains are there for this tiny window.”


16. “The ‘Pants House’ that’s always for sale in my neighborhood. Every room has more pants.”

crazy designsItsMinnieYall

17. The way they redid the stairs because of the new entrance to the roof café.
— The architect in my family finds this hysterical.

crazy designsMedicallyInducedComa