Confusing Photos That Will Take You a Minute to Understand

Have you seen my body?

confusing photos0MattyJ0

When you realize the hallway you’re looking down
is actually the top of a stairwell (looking down)

confusing photosgpinsand

Hands on knees, legs behind kids

confusing photosBeardoGREG

This team has a giant unfair advantage

confusing photosFede-K

The Hills of San Francisco

confusing photosTacoPvP

When your barber gives you that tight lineup

confusing photos@yeseniagarrcia

I, for one, welcome our new squirrel overlords

confusing photosSlowMagenta

Luke Skywalker

Stage 5 floater

confusing photoswhywee

Weird flex, but ok

confusing photosGraantje Pappie

The longer you stare the less sense it makes

confusing photosTmorals