40 Times Cats End Up In Weird Places Share it with your friends! Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email Tumblr Reddit Flipboard Copy Link 11. “My cat always sits like this when I’m in the shower.” flopsycat 12. “Fur ball, corner pocket.” MurderMelon 13. “Over the last week our kitten has discovered she can climb” godofleet 14. unknown 15. “My cat tried to hide from me” tassafrass 16. LA_Knight89 17. imgur.com 18. “My parents’ cat destroyed bathroom’s door vents so he could spy while we pee.” zly-wplyw 19. ifgoldruste 20. dianakmoreland Share it with your friends! Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email Tumblr Reddit Flipboard Copy Link Page 2 of 4Previous 1234Next