This Cute Cat Steals His Neighbors’ Shoes

BJ Ross from Altoona, Pennsylvania, has a cat named Jordan who has dirty habits. Jordan loves stealing their neighbors’ shoes. BJ Ross even created a Facebook group to address for it!

Jordan the cat is stealing all footwear that he can get his paws on

cat steals shoesBj Ross

His owners find a couple of shoes every morning

And now they have over 50

cat steals shoes

Jordan looks really proud of his stash

cat steals shoes

cat steals shoes

cat steals shoes

cat steals shoes

After learning about the cat’s secret life, Jordan’s owner BJ Ross put a GPS tracker on him

He can walk up to 7-8 miles a night, plotting a new heis

Ross even installed a security cam in the back to collect more evidence

cat steals shoes

Ross even created a Facebook group where people can discuss about Jordan and his crimes

cat steals shoes

Here’s a video, hilariously shaming the criminal