35 Building Conversions That Create Surprising Results

25. This Hotel Is An Old Prison


26. In The UK, Redundant Telephone Boxes Are Being Repurposed As Public Defibrillators

building conversionsskillian

27. My Girlfriend’s Office Used To Be A Bowling Alley. The Original Lanes Are Still There


28. This Hotel Is Built Out Of Train Cars

building conversionsCessnateur

29. The Old Don Jail (1864) In Toronto Converted Into Offices For The Newly Built Hospital Beside It In 2013


30. Old Silo In Söderköping, Sweden, Repurposed As Housing

building conversionspaulplutt

31. McDonald’s In The Art Deco Former “United Kingdom Hotel”, Clifton Hill, Melbourne, Australia


32. These Apartments Used To Be A YMCA

building conversionschumleesdog

33. Old Church Converted Into A Gym


34. A Smartphone Repair Office Inside A Telephone Box North Of Holborn Station

building conversionsKuzu9

35. Manchester’s Royal Exchange Theatre: A Former Commodities Exchange With A 750-Seat Theatre ‘Pod’ Tucked Inside. The Theatre Opened In 1976
