Woman Shares Adorable Pics Of A Bobcat Family On Her Front Porch

Artist Kathy Maniscalco posted photos and videos of a bobcat family with mama and 5 kittens relaxing near her home in Sante Fe, New Mexico. Take a look at these adorable family!

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Artist Kathy Maniscalco was visited by a family of bobcats at her home in Santa Fe

bobcat family

bobcat family

bobcat family

bobcat family

She also shared a couple of videos of the adorable bobcat kittens and their mom

bobcat family

Here’s the first video showing the bobcats

bobcat family

And here’s the second video!

bobcat family

bobcat family

bobcat kittens

bobcat kittens

The artist said that one of the kittens was even trying to get inside her home

bobcat kittens