Birds collecting excess fur from a deer to build a nest later
A Red-winged Blackbird getting a free ride on an Osprey’s broomstick.
The Blackbird was focused on driving the Osprey away from the marsh, while the Osprey was focused on bringing back a good stick for the nest.

Spectacular composite photo of a kingfisher’s dive.

Hummingbird catching a mosquito

Stealing honeycomb with bees in hot pursuit!

Common Kingfisher in action
How To Train Your Dragon

Black-throated Grosbeak
A crested eagle is entangled while fighting with a snake he is trying to capture.

Pursuit of the dragonfly

Incredible Shots Of Osprey in Mid-Hunt Dive

The bearded reedling balancing on the stems to snare a snack.

Fighting peacocks

Cattle egret with a frog, hitchhiking on nilgai antelope

Taiwan Barbet