20 Outstanding Photos From A Bird’s-Eye View

Bird’s Eye ViewBobGates

Amboseli National Park, Kenya

Bird’s Eye ViewGeorge Steinmetz

Wadi Mitan Desert in Oman

Bird’s Eye ViewGeorge Steinmetz

Every November, lots of people come to the Ice Fish Festival in Korea.

Bird’s Eye Viewboy1004

The Solomon Sea

Bird’s Eye ViewGeorge Steinmetz

The Tsavo National Park, Kenya

This is the tree of life and its incredible power.

Bird’s Eye ViewYann Arthus Bertrand

Bird’s Eye ViewKarolis Janulis

Guntur, India

Loot at this chili field and the brave farmer in these hot spices!

Bird’s Eye View


The Hookah Festival suspends city life for a few hours.

Bird’s Eye ViewRicardo Matiello

Bird’s Eye ViewAmbroseLune

Sources: Dronestagram, George Steinmetz, Yann Arthus Bertrand