25 Pics Of Animals Who Follow Social Distancing Rules

To avoid coronavirus, the World Health Organization (WHO) advises maintaining at least 1-meter distance between yourself and anyone. Even animals definitely follow that rule these days. To teach them who don’t get it and aren’t following these guidelines, here’s a compiled list of photos that show animals “practicing” social distancing in the face of the pandemic.

1. Social Distancing

Animals Following Social Distancing

2. Cats Get It

Animals Social Distancing

3. CAT-Cial Distancing In Japan

Animals Social Distancing

4. Meanhwhile In Poland

funny animals social distancing

5. Social Distancing By A Cat


6. Social Distancing


7. This Dog From Local News Is Practicing Social Distancing


8. Even Dogs Respect And Understand Social Distancing


9. Even Cats Get It

10. Peacokcks Know How To

Animals Social Distancing

11. Dogs Keeping Social Distance In Zagreb

Animals Social Distancing

12. This Aussie Heard About Social Distancing, Cat Didn’t

Animals Social Distancing