Whether you are one who normally believes in these kinds of things or not, it’s hard to take a look at these different pieces of media culture and not see the fact that they were predicted. No on wants to take a look at the terrifying events of 9/11 and think that one small detection could have prevented this terrorist attack, but these pieces of entertainment seem to tell a different story. Take a look through and allow it to show for itself. It’s hard to stomach, but it’s something worth looking at without a question.
1. Wonder Woman Cover (1963)
2. Superman Comic (1973)
3. The Towering Inferno (1974)
4. Cracked Magazine (1975)
5. The First Kingdom Comic Cover (1975)
6. National Lampoon Magazine (1975)
7. Sesame Street (1976)
8. Pakistan Airline Ad (1979)
9. Saga Album Cover (1979)
10. Marvel Comic Book (1983)