Mammatus clouds
Mammatus cloud is also known as breast cloud for its breast-like shaped pattern. It often associated with severe thunderstorms.

Hole Punch Cloud
A fallstreak hole is another term for punch cloud which is a huge circular gap that appear in altocumulus or cirrocumulus clouds. The holes are formed when the liquid temperature in the clouds is below the freezing point.

Noctilucent clouds
Noctilucent or night clouds are the highest clouds in the atmosphere located at 47 to 53 mi altitudes. The clouds are made of crystallized water ices which commonly seen in summer months.

Undulatus asperatus
This ominous-looking clouds can be seen in the Plains of the U.S usually in the morning or midday following a thunderstorm activity. The clouds appear dark, heavy, and storm-like.

Lenticular Clouds
Lenticular clouds are lens-shaped clouds formed at high altitude. Its shape is being associated for some UFO sightings.